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Zelensky Is Panhandling in Washington Again. Hasn’t He Stolen Enough?

One would think that President Zelensky of Ukraine has stolen enough money already that he could afford a nice suit. He’s an oligarch and kleptocrat who’s only posturing as president so he can steal more billions from U.S. taxpayers.

He runs around in military fatigues and a tee-shirt as part of his posture as a wartime leader, but it really is a posture. Zelensky is a professional actor and clown (and a not very good one) so the tee shirt is just another show costume.

In any case, Zelensky was back in Washington DC last week with his hand out trying to get $60 billion more of your money as reported here. His visit was a complete failure.

Biden wants a single bill that includes money for Ukraine ($60 billion) and Israel ($10 billion) and some money for border security. The House of Representatives have rejected this approach and is insisting on separate bills for Ukraine and Israel because many members will vote for the latter but not the former.

In fact, the House already approved the $10 billion for Israel and that bill is stuck in the Senate. For their part, the Senate is willing to do a unified bill, but they want the border provisions to have real teeth. Basically, it would be a return to many Trump administration policies, including illegal immigrants having to wait in Mexico while their mostly phony asylum claims are adjudicated in the U.S. (which can take years).

Democrats are refusing to agree with Republicans because they don’t want the border provisions. The House is refusing to agree with the Senate because they don’t want a unified bill (and the House likes the Senate Republican border provisions even though they are not in any House legislation yet).

Given these divisions, the entire process is at an impasse. No bill will be enacted this year, and Congress will have to pick up where they left off in mid-January.

This shows Biden’s true priorities. He values open borders and millions of illegal immigrants more highly than Ukraine. And he values Ukraine over Israel.

Somehow, Israel will survive. Don’t be so sure about Ukraine; it’s about to collapse. And don’t be so sure about the U.S. as long as the border remains wide open. This legislative wrangle shows what Biden really wants – open borders and the destruction of the American culture.

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