Why EVs Will Never Take Off in The U.S.
There has been a flood of articles recently pointing out the scam of electric vehicles, windmills, and solar modules as solutions to the so-called climate alarm and CO2 panic gripping the world. There are specific, technical answers to most of the hysterical claims of climate scammers. The best answer of all is that there is no problem to begin with.
The whole climate alarm industry is a lie starting with flawed models, rigged data, and hysterical repetition of the same baseless claims that have been floating around for twenty years. Climate change is real and has been for hundreds of millions of years based on evidence from ice cores and other hard data.
Ice Ages have been followed by shorter warming periods. Even within the warming periods, some periods are cooler (such as the Little Ice Age from about 1350 to 1850 AD). These changes are caused by solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents including subduction where warm flows are pulled under colder surface water to produce rapid cooling in certain regions.
None of this has anything to do with CO2, which is a trace gas with little or no effect on the climate. None of this is man-made, although humans have shown great adaptability during past periods of climate change, such as the end of the last Ice Age about 10,000 years ago.
After the last Ice Age, sea levels rose 400 feet. Today, the alarmists faint that sea levels are rising about 7 inches every 100 years (and have been since before the invention of automobiles).
If there’s no real man-made climate problem, why the hysteria about internal combustion engines and the need to push electric vehicles (EVs)?
This article reports that the financial burden on citizens of EV subsidies goes well beyond the government subsidy per vehicle (about $50,000 per vehicle). It seems that EVs also get government subsidies on fuel emission standards that cost taxpayers $27,881 per vehicle.
The rise of EVs is causing electricity prices to rise because of all the charging stations. That puts another $11,833 per vehicle over 10 years of costs on the taxpayer’s back.
What’s worse is that EVs don’t even reduce emissions. Since EVs are charged with electricity, which comes from coal and natural gas fired plants, total CO2 emissions actually go up. That’s not to mention the amount of electricity and water that are needed to mine the lithium, cobalt, nickel, copper, and other rare earths that are needed to build the car batteries. When the batteries are done (after about eight years), those poisonous chemicals have to be disposed of and no one has worked out a practical disposal plan.
Few know that the first electric vehicle was invented in the 1830s. Practical models were first produced in the 1880s and 1890s. The period of 1900 to 1910 was the golden age of electric vehicles in the U.S.
Why did it not last? Why did the electric vehicle die out? The answers then are the same as today – lack of battery chargers, limited range, and high price.
The best path of EVs today is the same one the industry took in 1910: eliminate subsidies, shut down the industry, and go to internal combustion engines.
Unfortunately, we should not expect that to happen soon. It will take ten years or more to shut down the scammers, grifters, and con men behind the EV industry. In the meantime, I’m hanging on to my gas-powered sports sedan.
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