Why Are Climate Alarm Headlines Everywhere? Follow The Money

It’s impossible to glance at headlines today without finding a climate change story. These stories are not limited to technical discussions about carbon emissions. They’re about everything!

You see stories about how fireplaces and natural gas stoves are warming the planet. You see stories about how eating cheeseburgers is warming the planet because beef is fed on grain grown with nitrogen fertilizers. Vacations are warming the planet because you drive in a car or fly on a plane with engines that emit carbon (there’s a curious exception to the travel story for elites who fly on private planes that converge by the hundreds everywhere from Davos to the Super Bowl. I guess they’re exempt from rules meant to apply to the rest of us). You see stories about climate change anxiety causing mental illness (I would argue that the climate alarmists themselves are displaying signs of mental illness that have nothing to do with carbon emissions).

Is the situation really this dire? Is every human activity imaginable somehow linked to climate change?

That’s nonsense, of course. It turns out that these are not random stories but the result of a highly coordinated and centralized efforts of a group called Covering Climate Now (CCN).  This group is funded by left-wing foundations such as the Rockefeller Family Fund and the David and Lucille Packard Foundation.

CCN offers training and workshops for reporters (really a form of indoctrination), and then relies on those reporters to parrot the propaganda put out by corrupt academic sources and ideologically bent government agencies and think tanks. The entire network is formed into a giant echo chamber that repeats the same climate alarm lies in an effort (partly successful) to brainwash the American public into believing that there actually is an existential climate crisis. There isn’t one, and real science backs that up.

Fortunately, the media lies are being exposed one by one. Still, the process of revealing the truth about the climate scam takes time. In the meantime, disregard the media wall of sound. It’s a paper tiger and will soon be seen for the propaganda exercise it really is.

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