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We’ve Already Lost Faith in Government and Media. Universities Are Up Next.

Americans have lost faith in government because of the lies told about the pandemic, climate change and other critical public policy issues. Faith has also been lost in the medical profession because of the pandemic and vaccine lies.

Social media platforms have also lost the trust of Americans because of their censorship and deplatforming of legitimate and original content that happened to disagree with the party line as enforced by the White House.

All around, institutions that Americans had trusted and relied upon for decades (even centuries) were scattered on the ground because of lies, censorship and propaganda. Were there any institutions left that we could trust?

For a while, it seemed that universities might be reliable because of the reputations of their faculty, demanding admissions standards and enormous research budgets. Now, even that reputation is in ruins.

A new poll shows that only 28% of Americans have high confidence in higher education. In the eyes of most Americans, once great universities have become radical echo chambers with no tolerance for views that don’t accord with the reigning progressive ideologies.

Professors are routinely found to have plagiarized others in their work. Admissions tests have been abandoned. Grade inflation is rampant. Administrators with inflated salaries now outnumber faculty and even students at many schools. Innovation is squashed in favor of neo-Marxist orthodoxy. DEI has replaced talent as the criteria for hiring and advancement.

There are a small number of schools such as Hillsdale College with campuses in Michigan and Washington DC, and St. John’s College established in 1696 with campuses in Annapolis, MD and Santa Fe, New Mexico that still uphold rigorous academic standards.

New schools are being launched that uphold the standards abandoned by Harvard and Yale. One example is the University of Austin, with a distinguished faculty and advisors including former Cabinet secretaries, writers, artists and economics professionals.

Parents are on notice. You can no longer rely on the name brand schools. Instead, search out the academic gems and high-quality start-ups. They’re out there.

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