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Wall Street Is All in On the Green New Scam

We’ve written extensively about the green new scam over the past several years. We’ve made the point that the best science shows that there is no climate emergency and that UN and other models that show extreme global warming are so badly flawed that they can’t even back test correctly, let alone forecast.

Other evidence reveals that the models have been populated with fake data shared among corrupt scientists in the UK. The real causes of climate change (when there is any) are solar cycles, ocean currents, volcanoes and moisture in the air (otherwise known as clouds), none of which are caused by humans and none of which can be changed by humans.

Solar modules and windmills cannot possibly keep the power grid operating because they are intermittent and unreliable sources. EVs are nothing more than glorified golf carts that take more energy to build (including extensive mining to obtain chemicals for batteries) than the car will save over its lifetime.

Climate change is real – we’ve had the Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age over the past 2,000 years. But it’s not caused by CO2. In fact, the best evidence is that warming periods cause the release of CO2, not the other way around.

The green new scammers have the relationship backwards. With this much evidence stacked against the climate scam, one would think that Wall Street would be pushing back against bad science and uneconomic remedies. Wrong.

Many top Wall Street firms are leading the charge on the phony climate crisis including Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street among others. It’s good to keep this bias in mind if you have accounts with those firms or rely on their investment advice.

It seems their advice is not necessarily in your best interests. Instead, they’re supporting the hidden agenda of the green new scam.

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