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Tucker Carlson Rips the Lid Off U.S. Government Lies About Inflation

We’ve all heard a lot (maybe too much) about Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Vladimir Putin. It was a journalistic tour de force.

Carlson spent years arranging it and outclassed all of the other so-called journalists who could not get the interview, either because they didn’t really want to or because the Russians knew it would be a biased hatchet job and not worth doing from their perspective.

The interview lasted two hours. Carlson was calm, well-prepared and focused. Putin was clear, incisive and displayed an immense and detailed knowledge of European and Russian history.

You don’t have to agree with all of Putin’s assertions to agree that he was highly intelligent and well-versed on his subjects. But Carlson did more in Russia than the interview.

It was his first visit to Moscow. He took advantage of the visit to tour Moscow, ride the subways, go shopping, dine in the restaurants and meet with everyday Muscovites. He recorded his impressions in separate video clips and several articles.

This article is one of the most revealing, especially from a U.S. perspective. Carlson noted that the subways were clean (and nicely decorated), the shops were full (contrary to the bare shelves typical of the Soviet Union days), and the city streets were attractive and bustling.

By the way, I’ve been to Moscow and got around the city myself. I can confirm that all of Carlson’s impressions are true and not just put on for show for a VIP visitor. Tucker went into a supermarket and loaded up his cart with fresh food. When he got to the checkout, Tucker and his crew took guesses at how much the groceries would cost. The average guess was $400 based on their experience in the U.S. The actual cost was $104.

Not only was Moscow clean and friendly, but the food was affordable! Carlson treated this as one more example of how the U.S. government lies to its own people both about Russia and about the extent of inflation here in the U.S.

I’m not advocating for Russian-style government in the U.S. I’d be happy with old-style U.S. government instead of the incompetence and propaganda we see today. Hopefully, Tucker Carlson’s trip to Moscow will serve as a wake-up call for Americans that things really can be better here if we try.

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