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This Would Put RFK Jr. On the Ballot and Tip the Election to Trump

The 2024 presidential election is emerging as one of those elections where third parties could play a decisive role. Almost all presidential elections include some third-party candidates, but these are rarely of much importance.

The Green Party has been on the ballot in recent years, but its candidates don’t get more than 1% or 2% of the vote. That’s insignificant, although the Green Party Candidate may have cost Hillary Clinton the state of Wisconsin in the 2016 election because Trump won by a smaller than 1% margin.

The Libertarian Party is also on the ballot in all 50 states, but rarely gets more than 2% of the vote. But there are important exceptions.

In 1992, Ross Perot won 19% of the popular vote (and no states) and probably cost George H. W. Bush his chance at reelection. In 1968, George Wallace got 13.5% of the popular vote and won 5 states, hurting Humbert H. Humphrey’s chances of beating Richard Nixon.

In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt ran as the candidate of the Bull Moose Party, got 27.4% of the popular vote, won 6 states and actually ran ahead of the Republican Party candidate William Taft. Taft would likely have won reelection except for the Bull Moose Party. Instead, Woodrow Wilson won, which ushered in the income tax, the Federal Reserve, and U.S. participation in World War I.

This looks like one of those years where third parties might have a major impact. Jill Stein is running on the Green Party ticket again and Cornel West is seeking ballot access as well. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is attempting to get on the ballot in key states as is the No Labels Party. No Labels does not have a candidate yet, but Joe Manchin and John Huntsman are frequently mentioned possibilities.

This article reports a major development in this trend. The article reveals that RFK, Jr. is in talks with the Libertarian Party about being their candidate. That’s hugely significant because the Libertarian Party is already on the ballot in almost all 50 states.

If RFK, Jr. were to run as a Libertarian, he might get 15% to 20% of the popular votes based on recent polls. Since his support would come mainly from Democrats who don’t want Biden, that number of votes would be more than enough to sink Biden and elect Donald Trump.

We haven’t heard the last of this. Get ready for one of the most tumultuous elections in over 30 years.

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