The Trump Verdict Is a Travesty of Justice. NY Trashed the Constitution.
By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about the Trump trial in New York and the guilty verdict on 34 felony counts. If my own media survey is any guide, you’ve probably heard too much.
You know the judge was not randomly selected as required by New York law, but was hand-picked for his extreme anti-Trump bias. You know that the Manhattan jury pool was selected from a population that voted 85% for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. And you know that the judge was a Biden contributor and that his daughter makes millions doing media advisory work to help the Biden campaign.
The judge violated the First Amendment with the gag order on Trump in the middle of a presidential campaign. The judge violated the Fifth Amendment by denying Trump due process of law. The judge violated the Sixth Amendment by not letting Trump know the specific crime he was accused of committing and by not allowing Trump to call witnesses who would help him make his defense. The judge also violated the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which applies the Bill of Rights to the states.
There were many other legal, ethical and Constitutional errors committed by the judge from the opening motions to the final jury instructions. Now that the case is over, Americans want to know what happens next.
The answer is that the case is being appealed to the First Appellate Division of the New York court system. For an overview of what the grounds of appeal are and what the Appellate Division is likely to do, there’s no better source than George Washington University law Professor Jonathan Turley.
He is a registered Democrat and a self-described liberal of the old school type, not one of the radicals posing as Democrats today. This gives his evaluation of Trump’s chances on appeal even more validity.
The good news is that Turley expects the Trump convictions to be overturned on appeal. The bad news is that the appeals process is likely to stretch past Election Day.
Trump may have to wear the “convicted felon” badge a while longer. But in the end, Trump will likely have the last laugh on his lawfare opponents.
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