The Trump-Proofing Has Begun
The popular vote in the November 2024 presidential election between Biden and Trump may be close. In fact, Biden is likely to win that vote, especially considering that Biden may outpoll Trump by 6 million or more votes just in the state of California.
Fortunately, it doesn’t matter. We don’t elect presidents by the popular vote; we elect them by the electoral college determined on a state-by-state basis. And the 6 million extra votes in California are completely wasted – you can only win California once, no matter how many votes you get.
Turning to the latest polling in individual states, a pattern is emerging that suggests Trump will be the next president.
In the latest CNN poll, Trump beats Biden 49% to 43%. In the latest Harvard-Harris poll, Trump beats Biden 52% to 48% percent. Biden’s approval rating just hit the lowest point of any president in the history of polling.
The election will come down to seven swing states (we already know what will happen in the other 43 states and DC with a high degree of certainty). In those swing states (Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Nevada) Trump is leading in all seven.
The margins vary. Trump’s ahead by 5.4 percentage points in North Carolina but only 0.6 percentage points in Pennsylvania. That’s OK, he only needs to win four or five of the seven to be elected.
As of now (things can change), Trump will have an electoral college landslide of 312 to 226 for Biden. Only 270 votes are needed to win.
Democrats and progressives are starting to panic. While the Biden campaign rolls on, progressives in Washington and globalists all over the world are working to Trump-proof the next four years. This means they know Trump will be president, but they are taking steps to tie his hands or lock in priorities now that Trump cannot undo if elected.
One such plan is to implement a long list of Deep State regulations. In just the past few weeks, Biden has finalized 59 rules and proposed 37 others.
Included in these rules are new standards for heavy-duty trucks designed to hurt internal combustion engines and the energy industry. Another rule would guarantee more union jobs in nursing homes. Still another rule would put restrictions on oil and coal-fired power plants that would force many of them to shut down.
This will practically guarantee blackouts, brownouts and higher energy costs. Get ready for more of this. If Biden can’t win, he will take the country down with him on his way out the door.
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