The Steal Begins: Secret Service Put In Charge Of Counting Votes
Democrat efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election are very well documented. In key states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, requirements that mail-in ballots have signatures on the ballot and the envelope that could be compared were ignored. Other mail-in ballots were discarded after supposedly being “counted” so that no paper trail existed.
Ballot harvesting from assisted living facilities and apartment buildings was conducted with no verification that any of the residents actually filled-in their ballots. Other supposed mail-in ballots appeared without creases (meaning they had never been mailed) with 95-1 pro-Biden ratios (statistically impossible). A “water leak” caused an evacuation of a large vote counting center in Atlanta so that poll watchers were ejected while the counting went on without supervision.
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated hundreds of millions of dollars to assist communities with vote counting efforts but the money went overwhelmingly to Democratic districts. It took all of that and more for Biden to eke out a narrow victory.
The idea that the courts rejected the voter fraud claims is false. The courts refused to hear the cases based on procedural grounds such as standing, venue, jurisdiction and laches (waiting too long to bring the claim). That’s quite different from reaching the merits of the claims, which was never done.
The Republicans have improved their game this time around. They have over 500 lawyers on call to deal in real time with fraud allegations, there is no pandemic excuse to deny poll watchers a chance to do their jobs and they’re getting better at ballot harvesting from their own districts. This has forced the Democrats to resort to even more desperate techniques to steal the 2024 election.
One plan is to declare Trump an “insurrectionist” on January 6, 2025, so that his Electoral Votes can be disqualified even if he won the most on Election Day. To back up their January 6th plan, the Department of Homeland Security, (the same people who opened the border) has put the Secret Service in charge of the Electoral College vote count. This means if Republicans object to certain Electoral Votes on the day they are counted in the Capitol Building (a perfectly legitimate process) the Secret Service can act as goon squads to suppress any objections as an effort to “overturn” the election by “election deniers.”
The main job of the Secret Service today is to facilitate the assassination of Donald Trump. If Trump survives to January 6, 2025, their main job will be to help rig the vote at the finish line.
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