The Most Frightening Article I’ve Ever Read. No One Is Safe from Dems.
I don’t go in for hyperbole. There’s more than enough dramatic news happening every day.
In just six weeks, we’ve lived through a funereal debate performance by Joe Biden, an attempted assassination of Donald Trump, an historic selection of JD Vance for VP, a coup d’état to get rid of Biden, a quickie coronation of Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee (with no primaries and no votes), and her selection of the far-left radical Tim Walz as her VP. Who needs to hype the news when the headlines are off the charts to begin with?
That said, there are exceptions. There are developments that are so extreme and dangerous for the rest of us that they deserve special attention. They rise to the level of a clear and present danger to our liberty. This article is one of those developments. It’s long but you should read every word if you care about America and your freedom.
It’s about Tulsi Gabbard, a patriotic American and an Iraqi war veteran who remains active in the U.S. Army Reserve. She’s a former member of Congress and former presidential candidate.
The article was written by Matt Taibbi, a brilliant journalist who started his own Substack platform after he was fired by other publications for writing the truth. Tulsi was placed on TSA’s “Quiet Skies” terrorist watch list. She and her husband are followed continually by undercover U.S. agents and bomb-sniffing dogs. They undergo 1-hour searches every time they fly at the point of origin and all layovers and plane changes all over the world. The searches are not mere pat downs. They are highly intrusive including emptying all luggage, unzipping suitcase liners, feeling every inch of sleeves and collars, making her turn her electronics on and off and ever handling her bras and panties.
It’s humiliating, it’s embarrassing and above all it’s unconstitutional. Her crime? None at all.
She never demonstrated at the Capitol, was not involved with the January 6 melee, and has no reprimands in her military record. She’s a model citizen and a loyal American. The reason for putting her the terrorist watch list has nothing to do with terror and everything to do with politics.
Tulsi quit the Democratic Party out of disgust with their far-left agenda but not before she made mincemeat out of Kamala Harris in one of the 2020 presidential debates. She also criticizes the War in Ukraine, which Ukraine, NATO and the U.S. are all losing badly. She’s smart, sharp and witty, a combination Democrats can’t stand. This is simple political revenge by the Biden-Harris neo-fascist administration.
What has the TSA done about this outrage? Instead of investigating the abuse of Tulsi’s rights, they investigated the whistleblowers who tipped off Tulsi about being under surveillance.
This treatment is no different from what the East German Stasi did to everyday Germans during the worst of the Cold War. It’s a disgrace.
I know Tulsi personally. She’s every bit as cheerful and brilliant as she appears on TV. She went surfing in Hampton Beach, New Hampshire on New Year’s Day in 2020 just ahead of the New Hampshire primary. I was around – it was just as cold as you might expect but she surfed in true Hawaiian style!
All Americans should be aware of this politically motivated gross violation of her civil rights. All Americans should also understand that if it can happen to her, it can happen to you.
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