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The Mau-Mauing Of Donald Trump Just Won’t Stop

We all know the litany of legal and illegal attacks on Donald Trump that have never stopped since he came down the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015 to announce he was running for president.

The FBI lied to get a wiretapping order on Carter Page as a backdoor way of spying on Donald Trump. Then the Clinton campaign paid a washed-up British spy, Christopher Steele, to compile a dossier of lies about Trump and Putin. The dossier was shopped around Washington and used by the lying CIA head John Brennan to prompt an FBI investigation called Crossfire Hurricane. This led to years of investigation and false accusations about Trump and Putin that paralyzed Trump’s administration for almost three years.

Then came two bogus impeachments, four criminal prosecutions designed to put Trump in jail, two bogus civil cases designed to bankrupt Trump and the efforts of numerous states to call Trump an “insurrectionist” as a way to force him off the ballot.

This was all topped off by an attempted assassination, which Trump survived by what can only be described as a miracle.

What’s amazing is that Trump fended off every attack. The Durham and Mueller reports both concluded there was no collusion by Trump with Russia. Both impeachments failed to result in removal from office. Some of the criminal charges have been dismissed and other cases are on hold because of wrongdoing by the prosecutors and possible immunity granted to Trump by a recent Supreme Court ruling. The “hush money” case is on appeal. Trump not only survived the assassination attempt, but gave a speech to the Republican National Convention just four days later.

Are the Trump-haters and corrupt FBI out of false charges and legal tricks? Not quite.

Now, the American Bar Association has set up a Task Force to attack MAGA, spread lies about Trump, raise money to attack him, and engage in local efforts to increase Democratic turnout.

As a lawyer, I quit the American Bar Association decades ago when it became clear that their policies and activities were completely contrary to my own beliefs and common sense. It’s obvious nothing has changed at the ABA.

Hopefully, Trump will win the election and systematically ignore ABA recommendations when it comes to judicial appointments and other policy issues.

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