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Say Goodbye to the Warmonger-In-Chief

The best-known names behind the War in Ukraine include President Biden, the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. But the most influential proponent of the war is someone very few Americans have even heard of – Victoria Nuland.

She was the Acting Deputy Secretary of State and the Undersecretary of State until her recent resignation. My nickname for her is Warmonger-in-Chief.

She was a driving force behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That invasion not only killed hundreds of thousands but left Iraq as an Iranian proxy state to the great detriment of the United States.

She was the driver of the Maidan Revolt in Kiev in 2014, which was a coup d’état backed by the CIA, MI6, and neo-Nazis in Ukraine to depose a duly elected president who happened to be mildly pro-Russian.

She was instrumental in the first impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019 when he made a short phone call to President Zelensky in Ukraine that could have delayed military aid to Ukraine at a time when Ukraine was killing its own Russian-speaking population in the Donbas region.

Finally, she got her wish when a full-scale war broke out in 2022. Nuland predicted a quick victory for Ukraine that would deplete the Russian military and lead to the overthrow of Russian President Putin. Instead, Putin is more popular than ever, the Russian economy is outperforming the U.S. economy, and Russia is decisively winning the War in Ukraine.

In short, Nuland has been wrong about every foreign policy and military issue for over thirty years, going back to the Clinton administration. Her hare-brained scheming has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and hundreds of billions of dollars, and gained nothing for the United States.

We would like to say good riddance, but the way Washington works she’ll probably be back in some future administration (fortunately, not a Trump administration). Washington may be the only place in the world where continual failure is rewarded with promotions to higher office. Nuland is Exhibit A.

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