Nuclear War Is Much Closer Than You Think. Biden Keeps Pushing Us Closer.
The world is closer to nuclear war today than at any time since the early 1980s (Operation Able Archer 83) or perhaps the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The reason for this is NATO’s drive to destabilize the Russian Federation led by warmongers including Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Lindsey Graham.
Despite some differences, every scholar of nuclear warfighting from the 1950s until today has agreed that the most likely cause of a nuclear war will be escalation. One side will provoke the other, the other side will reply in some fashion, the provocateur will raise the stakes, and so on up an escalatory ladder until one side views itself in an existential crisis. At that point, the side not facing the crisis may actually start the nuclear war in order to achieve a first-strike advantage on the more threatened side.
The solution to this dilemma is simple – don’t escalate. If you find yourself on the escalatory ladder, stop climbing, take a step back and invite your opponent to do likewise. They almost certainly will de-escalate also because both sides should see the danger. The U.S. and NATO have been doing the opposite.
The provocations aimed at Russia began in 2008 when George W. Bush called for Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO. Within months, Russia invaded Georgia.
In 2014, the CIA and MI6 along with Ukrainian neo-Nazis staged a coup in Ukraine that ousted a duly elected president. Just weeks after the coup, Russia annexed Crimea. From 2014 to 2022, Ukraine (backed by the U.S.) attacked its Russian-speaking population with artillery; some were burned alive in a church.
Trump was impeached for trying to slow arms shipments to Ukraine. When Biden was elected, the arms shipments increased.
Finally, Russia launched a special military operation to liberate the Russian-speaking provinces. NATO continued the escalation with tanks, missiles, drones, armored personnel carriers and billions of dollars in aid.
Now, the U.S. will put F-16s fighter jets (that can carry nuclear weapons) in NATO member Romania to launch attacks on Russia. The Russian Federation has already said they will attack Romania if this occurs. That will trigger a war with Russia under Article V of the NATO treaty. Nuclear weapons will be the next step.
Biden has shown no willingness to stop the escalation. Russia perceives an existential threat. The only way to stop the escalation that will end with the extinction of the human race is to get rid of Biden. Let’s hope that happens on Election Day – and that the world doesn’t end before then.
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