More Proof That Biden Has Always Been a Racist
Projection is a closely studied psychological and behavioral phenomenon. It involves projecting onto others the bad behavior we are guilty of ourselves.
In its simplest form, people who call others names are likely examples of exactly the behavior implied in the name calling. There’s no better example of projection today than the behavior of Joe Biden.
Biden never tires of calling Republicans and especially Trump supporters “racist.” You might find the word racist ten or fifteen times in the text of a Biden speech or remarks at a press conference. Biden might not know his own name or what he’s doing or where’s he’s standing, but he never fails to use the word racist in describing Republicans. But who’s the real racist?
This article answers that question. Biden is the real racist and always has been.
He recently gave a commencement speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta, a historically black college. I’ve given commencement speeches myself. They are supposed to inspire the soon-to-be-graduates to go forward to address the world’s problems and hopefully solve some of them. You do not downplay the challenges, but you do explain to the students that they are the future, and they owe it to themselves and others to make the world a better place using their innate talents enhanced by the value of education. The speech should be realistic and uplifting at the same time.
What did Biden do with his mostly black audience? He told them that America is racist. He said the system is set up to make them fail. He said that democracy would not actually work for the students because white racism was too ingrained. This wasn’t inspirational, it was pandering at its worst.
It was racist because it singled out blacks as those most likely to fail. It was a reminder of Biden’s prior affiliations with senior members of the Ku Klux Klan (such as Robert Byrd) outright racists (such as John Stennis) and warnings to blacks that Republicans wanted to put them “back in chains.”
For the record, it was Republicans who led the Civil War effort for the North, won the war, ended slavery, and passed the 14th Amendment offering due process at the state level. Biden’s historical ignorance is as bad as his racism. Yes, Biden is a racist who projects racism onto Republicans. A psychologist would understand this behavior perfectly.
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