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More Hysteria from State-Sponsored Climate Alarm Nuts

Climate hysteria is the gift that keeps on giving. Science is never settled (and shouldn’t be), but the best available science today shows conclusively that the climate alarm narrative is a hoax, and the behavior of climate alarmists is cult-like.

In previous writings, we’ve covered the fact that climate change is not caused by CO2 emissions. In fact, it’s the other way around. Increases in CO2 emissions are caused by global warming, which itself is the result of solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents, and water vapor (clouds).

The UN and other climate models are so badly flawed that they don’t even back-test accurately, let alone forecast with any accuracy. Data inputs are rigged by using short time series and placing thermometers in asphalt parking lots and densely populated urban centers. Some of the data is completely falsified, as was revealed in leaked email correspondence by academic climate frauds associated with leading UK and U.S. universities.

Now comes some new hysteria, which fortunately is easy to refute with hard data. The article says, “Sea levels around NYC could surge up to 13 inches in 2030s due to climate change: state study.” The fact that this study came from government officials in New York should immediately arouse suspicion since New York’s government is composed of far-left progressive flunkies.

As usual, the study uses flawed models and made-up input assumptions. Let’s look at actual data.

There is a sea level gauge near the Battery at the southern tip of Manhattan. That gauge has been used to measure the sea level in New York since the late 19th century, over 130 years. The data shows that the sea level has been rising at a rate of about 7 inches per century, just enough to get your feet wet if you lived to be 100 years old.

Importantly, that increase has been near constant with no unusual increases or reversals. It has also shown the same rate of increase in both the pre-auto and post-auto eras, meaning that auto emissions have nothing to do with sea leave changes (that’s because auto emissions have nothing to do with climate change).

Seven inches in 100 years is a far cry from 13 inches in 10 years, as the state projects. Seven inches is far less than the three-foot tide that affects the Battery twice a day.

There is no climate crisis. The New York State study is pure invention and easily refuted by hard data from the Battery. Still, the climate nuts just won’t quit. It’s about time we simply ignored them.

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