More Evidence That the Green New Scam Is Imploding
Climate alarmism (what I call The Green New Scam) has been ruining the landscape, killing whales and birds, causing brownouts and blackouts, costing taxpayers trillions of dollars in wasted subsidies, and degrading lifestyles for decades. The alarmists and activists and their elite enablers have been doing this behind a smokescreen of defective models, false data, press propaganda, deep state mandates, and simple ignorance.
Windmills and solar panels are unreliable sources of energy that cannot provide baseline power to the grid because they are intermittent and excessively costly. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the climate scam is running headlong into a brick wall of reality and the false climate narrative is starting to fall apart.
Electric vehicles (EVs) are piling up on dealer lots because consumers don’t want them. EV manufacturers are cutting back output or closing EV car and truck plants because the dealers don’t want any more. Consumers are fed up with washing machines that don’t get clothes clean, dryers that don’t dry, dishwashers that leave glasses spotted, and vacuum cleaners that don’t vacuum, all because of climate cult regulations that require “efficiency” (that is really inefficient if you have to run everything twice).
Coming efforts to ban natural gas stoves, barbecues, meat production and more are getting the consumer pushback they deserve. One of the tactics that the climate cult hoped to employ was to use financial institutions to implement their deranged agenda. The idea was to get banks, brokers and hedge funds to stop investing in or lending to major businesses that did not go along with the Green New Scam.
To that end, climate crazies created the Climate Action 100+ activist network. Major banks tripped over each other to join the group and force companies to implement dumb climate policies at the risk of not getting loans, underwriting or other investment services they need.
But a funny thing happened on the way to climate nirvana. The banks started getting sued by borrowers and consumers who alleged that the banks were committing unfair trade practices, engaging in tortious interference with the businesses. or engaged in a conspiracy that might run afoul of the anti-trust laws.
To protect their own interests, major banks are now quitting the Climate Action 100+. JPMorgan and State Street both announced they were quitting on top of other financial players who have already quit. More exits are expected and Climate Action 100+ gives every evidence of imploding.
That can’t come too soon. The climate cult is being exposed for the scam it always was. Let’s hope the trend continues and the entire climate cult ends up collapsing of its own weight and being ridiculed, an outcome it richly deserves.
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