Joe Manchin Looks Like He’s Running for President. This Will Bury Biden.
We’ve written a lot about the independent run for president by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his new party. It will take a lot of time, effort, and money to get on the ballot in most of the key states, but Kennedy probably has the resources to do it.
We’ve also covered other third-party candidates such as Jill Stein and Cornel West. Jill Stein ran on the Green Party line in 2016 and may have cost Hillary Clinton the election with her 2% of the vote in certain key states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan where Clinton lost by barely 1%.
Cornel West is a distinguished professor and philosopher who is brilliant and handles himself quite well on radio and TV. I don’t agree with his views, but I respect his abilities as a campaigner. West is also pursuing the Green Party nomination.
I’m not sure how the Green Party line will be divided between Stein and West, but Cornel West could probably find another ticker to run on if need be. That’s all bad news for Joe Biden.
Kennedy, Stein, and West will all draw votes disproportionally from the Democrats. They could get 20% of the vote among them.
Joe Biden only won by about 1% of the vote in key states in 2020. A third-party vote of 20% coming mostly from Democrats will bury Biden and hand the election to Trump.
The third-party candidates will be of even greater importance based on my prediction that Biden will not even be the Democratic nominee. For more on this, please check out my latest Paradigm YouTube interview on the state of the election and Biden’s chances. But even if Biden stays in the race for a while, the news just got even worse for his campaign.
It looks like Joe Manchin is going to take the plunge and also run for president. Manchin is a Democratic U.S. senator from West Virginia. He’s up for reelection next November.
West Virginia is one of the most heavily Republican states in the country and Manchin seemed headed for defeat. Instead, he pulled out of the Senate race and launched a nationwide “listening tour” of voter concerns. That’s a standard tactic among those considering a run for president.
If Manchin takes the plunge (and I expect he will), he has two advantages over the other third-party candidates. The first is that he’s a moderate. Jill Stein and Cornel West are hard-left ideologues. Kennedy is much more eclectic, but his Democratic Party heritage certainly appeals to the left. Manchin is a true moderate and voted with Republicans many times during his Senate career.
Manchin’s other advantage is he may run on the No Labels party line. No Labels has spent years and millions of dollars securing ballot access. No Labels is on the ballot in 12 states today and is on track to have ballot access in 27 states by year-end. They expect to be on the ballot in 37 states by next spring and to secure access to the remaining 13 by the summer of 2024.
Manchin’s role could push the third-party vote as high as 30% in certain states, guaranteeing that Biden will lose those states. Trump could be headed for a landslide victory as a result.
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