It’s About Time Candidates Stood Up to The So-Called “Experts”
Despite the doom, gloom and fearmongering surrounding the current presidential campaign, there is one bright spot shining through. That involves the willingness of smart candidates like JD Vance, Kari Lake and Donald Trump to call out so-called “experts” to their face and often on live air.
Political discourse and policymaking have lived too long in thrall to experts who claim to know what’s best for you on everything from climate change to pandemics, the War in Ukraine, trade policy, monetary policy and much else besides. Let’s look at the track record.
There is no climate crisis. CO2 does not cause global warming; it appears to work the other way around with slight global warming (not historically unusual) causing CO2 release. In any case, CO2 does not cause climate change. If change happens, it’s due to solar cycles, ocean currents, volcanos and simple water vapor in the air.
The pandemic “vaccines” were not real vaccines and did not stop infections or the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus. The COVID virus did not come from a wet market but from a Chinese bio-weapons lab funded by Anthony Fauci.
The Russians are not losing in Ukraine; they’re winning decisively.
The Fed’s monetary policy does not produce “stimulus” but it did contribute to the worst inflation in 40 years.
In fact, the “experts” are not just wrong occasionally; they’re wrong about almost everything. That much has been clear for a while. What’s new is that smart political candidates have stopped kowtowing and are now calling out the phone experts in real time.
Kari Lake (a former reporter herself) has done this brilliantly in her campaigns in Arizona. JD Vance fact-checked CBS news anchors on live TV in the vice-presidential debates and made them appear like idiots. At one point, CBS anchor Margaret Brennan yelled at JD Vance, “The audience can’t hear you because your mics are cut.” That shows how desperate the elite experts are. In fact, JD Vance won the day because he wasn’t afraid to call out the phony moderators.
The latest example is even better. Trump was doing an interview with John Micklethwait, Bloomberg’s top editor and a former editor of The Economist. Micklethwait made the tired point that Trump’s tariffs would raise prices and be bad for Americans. That’s nonsense.
From 1790 to 1962, the United States pursued high tariff polices under a program known as the American System. It was created by Alexander Hamilton and pursued by Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley and Dwight Eisenhower. It was the key to America’s growth, productivity and technological success for 175 years. Trump wants to return to the American Plan.
He didn’t just make polite conversation in the interview. He called out Micklethwait by saying, ““It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you’re totally wrong.” It’s refreshing to see that smart candidates don’t just disagree anymore, but they call out the experts and put them in their place. It’s about time.
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