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Is Judy Shelton the New Goldfinger?

Most of us know the plot of Goldfinger, the classic James Bond novel written by Ian Fleming. Some have read the book, but far more probably saw the movie version. Auric Goldfinger is a major gold dealer and refiner, although many of his gold acquisitions are illegal.

In one scene, he drives a solid gold Rolls Royce with a yellow paint job. When the car gets to his refinery Switzerland, it is disassembled and melted down to be turned into new gold ingots that cannot be traced. The car was just a convenient smuggling method.

Goldfinger works with Chinese technicians, U.S. gangsters and an all-female stunt-flying group to attack the U.S. gold vault at Fort Knox. The flying group sprays nerve gas over the area to disable the troops. Then Goldfinger’s Chinese team break into the Fort with a radioactive cobalt bomb. When the bomb explodes, it will make the U.S. gold supply radioactive for 58 years. With that gold off the market, the market price of gold will soar and Goldfinger will be one of the richest men in the world.

Of course, James Bond foils the plot with help from the CIA and U.S. Army and saves the day. This plot seems like something from the distant past since we are no longer on a gold standard. But is it?

Today, China and Russia are working inside the BRICS group to build a new non-dollar financial system that will depend heavily on physical gold, if not a strict gold standard. In the past two years, the price of gold has risen 68% from $1,630 per ounce to $2,740 per ounce.

Central banks have moved from net sellers to net buyers of gold with China and Russia leading the way. Americans have practically forgotten the importance of gold as a monetary asset even as the rest of the world can’t get enough because of lost confidence in the U.S. dollar.

The Goldfinger scenario of lost confidence in the U.S. and soaring gold prices is playing out, albeit without the use of a cobalt bomb. One of the best experts to consider in this environment is Judy Shelton.

Judy is a prominent monetary economist, former nominee to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (and likely future nominee if Trump wins) and an expert on the use of gold in monetary systems. She’s one of the best sources to read at a time when Goldfinger is suddenly back in vogue.

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