Insider Trading Before Oct 7 Hamas Attack
This story provides detailed evidence that there was significant insider trading in advance of the October 7, 2023 massacre of Jews by Hamas.
The parties who conducted the insider trading are not yet identified, but it would come as no surprise to find that they were members of Hamas itself or perhaps senior royals in Qatar who host the Hamas leadership and are major supporters of the terrorist group. Other suspects include members of Egyptian intelligence who had highly detailed information that the attack was coming.
This kind of insider trading is hardly unique. There was insider trading in American and United Airlines stock ahead of the 9/11 attacks. Those were the airlines whose planes were hijacked. That leads to a backstory that shows incompetence at the highest levels of the CIA.
After the 9/11 attack, the CIA wanted to explore whether a system could be built that would identify terrorist insider trading in advance of the attacks in a way that could enable the intelligence community to break up the attack before it happened. I was selected as one of the co-managers of that effort called Project Prophesy.
After studying the feasibility of such a system and concluding it could work, we built a prototype between 2004 and 2007. During testing of the prototype, we actually got a flashing red signal on American Airlines on August 6, 2006. We alerted the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security.
Just a few days later, New Scotland Yard and MI5 took down an extended terrorist plot in East London that planned to use liquids to blow up an American Airlines jet leaving Heathrow in mid-air. The London take-down was not triggered by our alert, but the timing of the alert in conjunction with the unfolding of the plot showed that our system worked and could provide advance warning.
At that point, we sought additional funding to build a more powerful system. We met with Mike Morrell who was Acting Director of the CIA in his 7th floor office at Langley Headquarters. Morrell shot the proposal down and ended the project (I owned the intellectual property so was able to continue the predictive analytic system on my own).
If the name Mike Morrell sounds familiar, it should. He was the ringleader of the 51 intelligence officials who signed a letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.
Of course, the laptop was genuine, and the letter was a lie. Everyone knew it, but the letter was the key to saving the Biden campaign in the days just before the election.
So, that’s Morrell. He killed a technology project that could have saved lives and organized a letter that helped elect Biden and led to 500,000 dead Ukrainians in a pointless war, and a new war in the Gaza Strip. Fortunately, these liars and phonies are being called out one-by-one, even if it’s too late to undo some of the damage.
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