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Here’s The Democratic Plan For 2024: Keep Calling Trump A Dictator.

Psychologists have long identified a mental condition called projection. The idea is simple. Those who engage in erratic, neurotic, or other mentally imbalanced behavior rationalize their behavior by projecting it onto others.

If someone is a pathological liar, they will call others liars. If they are paranoid, they will accuse others of paranoia. And if they are anti-democratic wannabe dictators, they will claim that their political opponents are anti-democratic wannabe dictators.

There’s no better example of this than Democrats who accuse their opponents of “racism.”

Here are the facts: The Democrats were the leading party of the Southern U.S. during slavery. They then betrayed the United States and joined the Confederacy during the Civil War. After the Civil War, the Democrats organized the Ku Klux Klan and engaged in killing blacks, often through lynching.

Politically, Democratic senators and governors were the leading proponents of Jim Crow laws and maintaining a separate and unequal society that discriminated against blacks from 1876 to 1964. After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Democrats continued Jim Crow in hidden ways, especially by keeping blacks in ghettos, supporting abortion (which disproportionately kills blacks), and creating government handout programs to stand in the way of black entrepreneurship.

So, Democrats are the greatest racists in the history of the United States. And their defense is to call others “racists.” That’s projection, pure and simple.

The latest example of projection by Democrats is described here. Democrats originally wanted Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee in 2024 because they thought he would be easy to beat. Now the worm has turned. Trump will be the Republican nominee, but now the polls show he is likely to win the election also.

Democrats can’t beat Trump on policy. Polls show Trump leading on the border, national security, the economy, law and order and almost every policy category one can identify. So, what can Democrats do? The answer is: Projection!

Democrats have weaponized the FBI, lied about Ukraine, rigged their primary elections to exclude RFK, Jr. and other challengers to Biden, tried to rig the primary election calendar by moving Biden-friendly South Carolina to the front of the line, and taken many other actions that remind observers of what dictators do. Their response is to call Trump a dictator!

You’ll be hearing that over and over for the next year. The truth is Trump is not a dictator. But he will hold Democrats accountable for their illegal abuses. And that’s what the Democrats are really afraid of.

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