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Here’s Another Way for Democrats to Rig the Vote Against Republicans

The litany of ways the Democrats rigged the elections in 2020 and 2022 keeps getting longer.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $350 million to replace volunteer poll watchers in 2,500 jurisdictions across the country with professional partisans who favored Democrat candidates. In Maricopa County, Arizona, officials calibrated scanners that read paper ballots for a certain width and then distributed ballots with a different width so the ballots would be rejected. Those ballots were placed in boxes and stored without ever being counted. Of course, this only happened in heavily Republican districts.

Other tricks included “ballot harvesting” from individuals who didn’t even know they had voted, stuffing drop boxes with pre-printed ballots favoring Democrats, ejecting Republican poll watchers based on false science of “social distancing” during the pandemic, and much more.

Here’s a report on their latest trick, so-called ranked choice voting. Here’s how it works: Certain jurisdictions require winning candidates to get more than 50% of the vote. Many elections involve more than two candidates, possibly including a conservative third-party candidate. If no candidate gets more than 50%, a runoff election can be held in which someone is certain to get more than 50% since there are only two candidates.

With ranked choice voting, voters are asked to name their first choice, but also to name their second or even third choices from among the candidates. Let’s say that a Republican gets 36% of the vote, a conservative third-party gets 34% of the vote, and a Democrat gets 30% of the vote. In a runoff system, the Republican would face the conservative, giving the conservative time to campaign and possibly get more votes. In ranked-choice voting, the Democrat is knocked out of the race while votes for the second choice of Democrats go to the candidate selected.

Democrats are unlikely to list the conservative as their second choice, so those votes are overwhelming designated for the Republican. There is no runoff. The votes are tabulated a second time based on the second choice so that the Republican could beat the conservative by, say, 65% to 35%. The same thing can happen where the Republican comes in third and those second ranked choice votes go to the Democrat.

Either way, it’s a system to preserve two-party rule and run conservative third parties off the road, even though they could win in a runoff system. Many voters admit they don’t understand how this all works and don’t really know what they’re doing when they specify their ranked choice. It’s really just one more way to rig the system.

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