Hamas Are Not Fighters. They’re Barely Above Animals
Don’t read this article if you don’t have a strong stomach. We apologize for the graphic detail that follows, but our job is to make sure readers like you know what is going on and what it means for your portfolio, not to sugarcoat the truth.
What has happened and is happening in Israel is beyond barbaric. In the words of historian and scholar Victor Davis Hanson, it is pre-civilizational and just barely above animal behavior.
I’ll leave the geopolitical developments to one side for now. Here’s what’s happening on the ground.
The Hamas attackers specifically targeted a youth-oriented rock and arts festival. Over 250 of the attendees were killed, all innocent men, women and teenagers. Some women were stripped, thrown into the back of pickup trucks and beaten to death while the dead bodies were mutilated.
Hamas killers dressed in black went door-to-door in small towns and killed the residents. When mothers tried to protect their daughters, they killed the mothers first and then killed the daughters.
Close to 1,000 Israelis were killed on the day of the invasion, October 7, and perhaps a thousand more were taken hostage. The dead bodies were arranged in piles – a direct reenactment of the actions of Nazi SS death squads during World War II.
Americans were not spared. As many as 27 Americans were killed in the initial wave and more were taken hostage.
Israel is in a war with Hamas, but the actions of Hamas were not acts of war nor were the perpetrators warriors. They were below the level of barbarians and just slightly above the level of animals. That’s what Israel and the world are dealing with.
Hanson makes the point that there is no more room on the pro-Palestinian side. If you stand with Palestine, as do AOC and the Squad members and others, then you stand with the animals and killers and mutilators of small children and innocent women.
The deeper point is that this is not just another terrorist incident with a predictable Israeli response. This is the most grave crisis in the Middle East since the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Israel will not rest until Hamas participants are annihilated and Hamas governance in Gaza is gone.
We’ll be lucky if the war does not spread to include attacks on Iran. But it would be foolish to rule that out. We are in a new world.
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