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Greeks Say, “A Fish Stinks From the Head Down.” So Do Banks

We’ve warned readers for over a year about the dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which we described as Biden Bucks.

CBDCs are not a new currency. They are an existing currency (the dollar) in a new digital form. The form matters. With the Treasury and the Federal Reserve in charge of the digital ledger, they will know everything you’re buying, what you’re reading, what charities you support, what church you go to, and much, much more, all by looking at your payment history.

They won’t need to get warrants to look inside MasterCard or VISA. All of the information will be in the government ledgers from the date of purchase.

Using artificial intelligence, it will be simple to profile you and decide if you are a loyal supporter of the Biden regime or “an enemy of the people,” as Joe Biden sees it. If you’re in the enemy category (Super MAGA), get ready for a knock on the door from the IRS or FBI.

As if that were not all bad enough, something worse is coming fast. We call it Biden Banks.

Once a bank decides you are unacceptable based on your political opinions, they can close your account. Other banks won’t give you a new account because they’re afraid they’ll be singled out for regulatory violations. When it gets bad enough, you may even have to leave your country because you’re unbanked.

This article describes an egregious incident aimed at a prominent UK politician who led the Brexit movement. Fortunately, he was powerful enough to get the CEO of NatWest Bank fired. The rest of us may not be so lucky.

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