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Government Aid to Hurricane Victims Running Out. Money Went to Illegals.

Hurricanes Helene and Milton have now passed through. Helene was one of the most destructive storms in U.S. history. It did some damage in Florida but did far more damage in Western Georgia and North Carolina due to its unusual course going up the Appalachian Mountain valleys there instead of the more usual course up the East Coast.

The property destruction was massive, and the loss of life is still unknown but may be over 1,000 dead when all is said and done. Buildings have been destroyed, bridges and roads are awash, and electricity is gone. Hurricane Milton was less destructive, but still caused extensive damage in Florida and left over 20 dead.

When America faces disasters of this magnitude, we count on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide needed assistance in addition to the first line of responders including state police, National Guard, EMTs, power restoration crews and volunteer pilots and boat operators.

FEMA is supposed to provide immediate resources of food, water, evacuation, temporary housing and medical treatment. SBA is supposed to provide low-interest rate loans to small businesses for clean-up, restoration and reopening of their businesses.

We’ve all seen the stories describing how FEMA is running out of money because over $1 billion in appropriated funding was diverted to helping illegal immigrants instead of Americans in need. Now we learn that the SBA is also going broke.

As usual, Biden did not take responsibility for this even though he oversees the Executive Branch and runs the SBA. Instead, he blamed Congress for not appropriating more money without accepting responsibility for the fact that Congress responds to the priorities of the White House and Biden simply never made SBA a priority.

Considering how Biden diverted $1 billion of FEMA money to illegal immigrants, perhaps it was no surprise that Congress didn’t approve more money for SBA, at least until the hurricanes. What assurance did Congress have that Biden wouldn’t divert the SBA money also?

Biden is what’s known in the Mid-Atlantic states as white trash – a mean-spirited, lying, selfish thug. That description perfectly fits Biden’s posture toward the victims of these two great natural disasters.

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