Good to the Last Drop. Biden Continues to Drain All Energy Reserves.
During the 2022 mid-term election season, Joe Biden endangered U.S. national security to win a few votes in congressional elections. He did this by draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).
The SPR was created in 1975 after the Arab oil embargoes of the 1970s. It was intended to give the U.S. a six-month supply of crude oil to keep the country going in the event that oil supplies were cut-off by war or blockade.
The oil is stored in underground salt domes located in four locations in Texas and Louisiana near the Gulf of Mexico. The total capacity is about 714 million barrels. On August 17, 2005, the SPR was near capacity with a total of 700 million barrels. The SPR cannot be depleted to below about 250 million barrels without causing structural damage to the salt domes themselves.
In mid-2022, inflation was at a 40-year high and the price of gas at the pump was soaring. In March 2022, Joe Biden began draining the reserve of 210 million barrels. This was on top of 50 million barrels sold by Biden in 2021.
The impact was to cut the reserve to about 350 million barrels, less than half the total capacity and dangerously close to the minimum needed to maintain the system. Biden did this to manipulate gasoline prices. It worked; the Democrats held onto the Senate and House in the 2022 elections.
But the SPR was never intended for price manipulation or electoral gimmicks. It was intended to protect national security. Biden didn’t care.
Now that another election is coming, this one involving Joe Biden himself, he’s at it again. Biden can’t take much more from the SPR, but there’s another gasoline reserve called the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR) established in 2014 after Superstorm Sandy knocked out oil refineries in New York and New Jersey in 2012.
Biden is now looting that reserve by selling one million barrels of gasoline in the coming weeks. That will effectively close the reserve. Again, this jeopardizes regional energy security for the sake of lower prices at the pump and a few votes in the 2024 elections.
Biden doesn’t care about the energy security of the United States. Let’s hope we don’t have another superstorm this summer. We may end up riding bicycles if the gasoline runs out. Come to think of it, that’s just what the green new scammers want.
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