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Gates Throws $50 Million Behind Kamala Harris. What’s The Agenda?

It was reported last week that billionaire Bill Gates threw $50 million behind the Kamala Harris campaign. He did not do this openly. It was done through a so-called dark money entity called Future Forward that is a major fundraiser for the Harris campaign.

Gates’s dark money contribution was leaked and reported by the New York Times. This was not Gates’s first contribution to Democrat candidates. In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave $70 million to the New Venture Fund, another dark money group that bankrolled the Biden campaign.

Gates had previously supported the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Gates was also a major contributor to the Clinton Global Initiative, which has organized many globalist projects consistent with Gates’s vision of control by elites. No doubt Gates has made other major dark money contributions that remain unknown to the general public.

The obvious question is why? Contributions of this size are about more than simply supporting a candidate and hoping for his or her victory. These contributions are about an agenda.

Gates has a wish list of policies and programs he wants to see carried out. More than just gaining “access” to a candidate or officeholder (you can do that for $50,000 or less if you just want a meeting), these mega-dollar contributions are about buying a candidate lock, stock and barrel and making sure your agenda is carried out to the greatest extent possible. So, what is Bill Gates’s agenda?

In the past he has spoken about reducing the population of the earth from the current level of about 8.4 billion people to perhaps 3 billion people or fewer. This is argued with a straight face in the name of “sustainability.” That’s nonsense. The earth is mostly empty with practically unlimited resources and new technological advances being made all the time. The earth could easily sustain double the current population. Gates’s goal of reducing the population is really anti-human and would make it much easier for a small elite (including himself) to control the entire planet with a top-down fascist model of government.

Gates is also a top supporter of the mRNA “vaccines” (really experimental gene-modification treatments) that did not stop COVID but are causing millions of deaths through fatal side effects. Gates made enormous profits from his investment in major pharmaceutical companies. Deaths by side effects are also consistent with his vision of reducing the population of the planet.

Gates is also a major backer of the globalist Word Economic Forum and its efforts to replace natural food with synthetic meat and dairy substitutes. Gates has ample reason to support Harris who is a low-IQ puppet of the real powers behind the White House who will continue to advance their shared anti-humanist agenda.

Our only hope for a better future is to see Harris defeated. That will take down her potential puppet regime and Gates’s neo-fascist agenda in one fell swoop.

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