FBI Targets Priest and Choir Director in Its Attacks on The Catholic Church
The FBI likes to tout its relentless efforts to put terrorists under surveillance and to prevent terrorist attacks in the U.S. Fine. But who exactly are the “terrorists” as the FBI sees it?
Unfortunately, the term terrorist seems not to include the millions of Arabs and Muslims crossing the U.S. southern border without inspection or background checks. We know many of those illegal aliens are on terrorist watchlists, but no one seems to care. No efforts are made to track their whereabouts and activities once they illegally enter the country.
Instead, the FBI seems intent on attacking everyday Americans, including members of the Catholic Church. Over 500 people have been arrested and many imprisoned without bail or due process hearings in the filthy, rat-infested DC city jail because they happened to be on the U.S. Capitol grounds on January 6, 2021.
For the relatively few who committed acts of violence, arrest is appropriate. But the overwhelming majority did not commit acts of violence. They were just on the grounds and in many cases were ushered into the Capitol by willing Capitol Police. This is an ideological jihad by the FBI, not any kind of legitimate law enforcement.
The other group singled out for persecution are Catholics, of which I am one. This article says that the FBI is targeting “radical traditional” Catholics, but they have no idea what they mean by that or what their description means to Catholics.
Part of the definition includes those who attend a traditional Tridentine Mass conducted in Latin. There’s nothing radical about that at all.
The Tridentine Mass was approved at the Council of Trent in the mid-16th century as part of the Counterreformation. It is conducted in parishes all over the U.S. and the world. I have attended Mass in numerous languages in France, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, and Bahrain among other locales.
Traditional Catholics also adhere to some pre-Vatican II practices, although the Church offers wide leeway on liturgical practices subject to a short-list of core doctrines. The FBI knows nothing about any of this. They only know that their job is to dispatch goon squads to intimidate anyone opposed to Joe Biden (which includes me and I daresay a large number of Catholics).
Who are the terrorists? Based on their actions, it seems many of them can be found in the headquarters of the FBI itself.
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