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Fauci Lies Under Oath About COVID Lab Leak, Vaccine, Masks and More

Anthony Fauci, the head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health during the pandemic, testified under oath before Congress on June 3. During that testimony, Fauci continued the long list of lies, obfuscations and blame-shifting that he perfected during the pandemic years.

Fauci told Americans to mask-up, yet there has never been any scientific evidence that masks work to stop the spread of the COVID virus. Fauci told the country to lock down all business and social activity, but the evidence has been clear at least since 2006 (after the avian flu pandemic of 2005) that lockdowns don’t work.

Fauci made life miserable for Americans by forcing vaccinations on everyone at the risk of losing jobs when the “vaccine” is really an experimental gene-modification therapy that does not stop the infection and does not stop the spread of the disease.

Fauci insisted on 6-feet of “social distancing” when there’s no evidence that distancing is effective against an airborne respiratory virus (Fauci believed it was spread by droplets; he was wrong). Fauci closed schools, closed workplaces and destroyed the economy all for no good reason.

What was behind his lies? The answer is that Fauci funded the gain-of-function research in the Wuhan, China laboratory using a cut-out called EcoHealth Alliance. The virus was perfected by Communist Chinese scientist Shi Zhengli known as the “Bat Woman of Wuhan.”

Once the virus leaked, Fauci spent more time covering up his involvement than helping Americans cope with the disease. Over 7 million people died from the coronavirus. That’s more than were killed in the Holocaust.

Fauci may go down in history as the greatest mass murderer of all time. Let’s hope that if Trump wins the White House in November, there will at last be some accountability and hopefully jail time for the likes of Fauci.

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