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Fake Science and Dumb Officials Are a Recipe for Economic Meltdown

Sometimes the identification of a public policy problem is stupid because there really is no problem. Sometimes the solution to a problem is stupid even if there is a problem in the first place.

What’s annoying about the climate alarm hoax is that both the problem and the solution are stupid. There is no need for climate alarm. Climate does change over long periods, but there is no evidence that the change is caused by human activity or CO2 emissions.

The best evidence is that climate change is caused by solar cycles, ocean currents, volcanoes, and water vapor in the atmosphere (known as “clouds”). Long-term studies also show that increased CO2 levels are caused by global warming, not the other way around.

The entire climate alarm movement is a scam, which is gradually being revealed as new studies emerge and as scientists are no longer intimidated by the pseudo-intellectual thugs behind the alarmist predictions. Yet, that does not stop dumb politicians from jumping on the bandwagon with policies that make peoples’ lives worse while doing nothing to alleviate the non-problem of climate.

The latest bad idea comes from the dunce-like governor of New York, Kathy Hochul. Her proposal is to get rid of refrigerators and air conditioners that use hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to produce reliable cooling.

HFCs are already controlled and can be phased out over longer periods of time. Hochul’s ban would have to be implemented by 2025, compared to a national phase out that lasts until 2036. The rapid and radical change will cost billions of dollars and thousands of jobs as small businesses struggle to comply.

This comes on top of Hochul’s other hare-brained idea to ban natural gas stoves. Hochul is not bright enough to understand the real science of climate change. She’s not generous enough to help everyday New Yorkers who have to put up with her ridiculous policies. She’s just pandering to the far left and some younger voters who are as brainwashed as she is.

It’s no wonder individuals and businesses are leaving New York in droves. Hopefully the last person to leave remembers to turn out the lights.

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