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Extreme Democrats Are Living in Fear That Trump Will Actually Win

What goes around, comes around. There’s a lot of truth in that old expression. The Democratic party is about to discover just how true the expression is.

For the past three years, the Democrats have opened the border to the detriment of law and order and national security. They have de-funded the police in many major cities, leading to out-of-control murders, looting, carjackings, drug use, tent cities filled with drug addicts, and turning those cities into open sewers.

Democrats have also led the U.S. to support a losing war in Ukraine (at a cost of over $200 billion and counting) and engage in another war in Gaza where official support for our greatest ally in the Middle East has been lukewarm.

Inflation in 2022 was the highest in forty years and is still running hot. High interest rates have killed new home purchases because buyers can’t afford the monthly payments.

The worst abuses have involved weaponizing the Justice Department and FBI to the point where Democrats like Hunter Biden are offered sweetheart deals, while Trump supporters (including Trump himself) have their homes broken into by FBI goon squads for no reason other than political persecution.

Suddenly, Democrats have awakened up to the fact that Trump will not only be the Republican nominee for president (something they had supported because they thought he would be easy to beat), but Trump is likely to win the election. That means payback, and has caused fear and panic among Democrats, as reported here.

It appears that Trump may not repeat the blunders of his first administration where he appointed mannequins like Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, and neo-fascists like Christopher Wray as head of the FBI. If Trump appoints more capable and loyal people in key positions, some Democrats may actually be held accountable.

Joe Biden could be prosecuted for bribery and treason; an impeachment will not prevent further prosecution once he is out of office. Perhaps even serial liars such as James Comey, Christopher Wray, and Mike Morrell will be called to account.

The Democrats have abused the law and legal processes to pursue political enemies. Trump can do the same without the abuse. What goes around, comes around.

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