Electric Vehicles Go Into Reverse Gear
The entire electric vehicle (EV) scam is coming undone quickly. Don’t get me wrong – EVs are fine as golf carts; they just don’t work on real highways.
First came the spate of exploding batteries and car fires. Then came the news that the resale value of EVs is close to zero because the buyer has to buy a new battery once the original is six or seven years old. Batteries cost $20,000 to $30,000 each, so goodbye to resale values.
Next, we learn that EV batteries can’t hold a charge in extremely cold weather (about 25° F or lower) and won’t even take a new charge in those conditions. This left us with the sight of frozen Teslas with dead batteries stuck around a charging station near Chicago last winter. They had to be towed away on flatbed trucks like roadkill.
It’s also the case that EVs have no self-generated heat source. You have to drain the battery to operate an internal heater to keep the interior warm in winter. An internal combustion engine (ICE) generates ample heat because the engine runs on exploding gasoline; the excess heat can simply be conducted into the interior without using any extra energy.
Of course, the biggest EV fraud is that they reduce CO2 emissions. That’s irrelevant anyway because CO2 does not cause climate change, but it’s not even true in the first place. The electricity for EV charges comes from the grid, which is powered by coal-fired, diesel, and natural gas-powered generating plants. All the EV does is move the emissions up the supply chain without actually reducing emissions.
Oh, did we mention the poisonous metals and chemicals that go into battery making, such as cobalt, nickel, lithium, and copper? Did we mention how much energy and water is needed to mine those metals and chemicals? Never mind.
EV sales are falling off a cliff. Dealers don’t want any more EVs from the manufacturers because their lots are full of unsold inventory. The manufacturers are cutting back on EV production and closing factories because they are losing billions of dollars on them. Hertz is dumping 50% of its EV fleet at fire sale prices; good luck with that.
As if all of this news wasn’t bad enough, even Joe Biden, the high priest of EVs and the climate alarm hoax, is now turning his back on EVs in a lame effort to get votes from UAW members who are being put out of jobs by the rise of EVs. We’ll let Joe do what he needs to do to win the next election. In the meantime, the collapse of the EV industry could not be clearer.
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