Election Fraud In 2023 May Just Be a Warm-Up For 2024
There was ample evidence of election fraud in the 2022 mid-term elections.
In Maricopa County, Arizona (the Phoenix area), voters were given paper ballots to fill out, which were then read by scanners that electronically counted the votes. However, the paper ballots were the wrong size for the scanners and were rejected.
Those ballots were put in boxes to be hand-counted later, except they never were because the Democrat who “won” the election was in charge of elections. Those ballots have now conveniently disappeared.
In other jurisdictions, “mail-in” ballots were received by the thousands, except that the ballots were not creased (meaning they were never mailed) and the ballots had a recurring 7:1 ratio of Democrat to Republican votes; a highly improbable ratio in any case and a near impossibility that the ratio would be uniform throughout the ballots.
And there’s no control over “vote harvesting,” which consists of collecting ballots from nursing homes and poorer neighborhoods and then delivering them en masse. How does anyone know if the ballots actually came from the sources the operatives claim?
The list goes on. The courts have been completely unwilling to get involved in these cases. Their view is that this is a dispute between voters and officials or Democrats and Republicans and they want to keep out of it (the echoes of Bush v. Gore in 2000 still sound in their ears).
Republicans claim they’ll bring up their game in 2024 with their own vote harvesting efforts. They’d better or they’ll lose again. Meanwhile, we have evidence that vote rigging is alive and well today almost as if the Democrats are warming up for 2024.
In Northampton County, Pennsylvania, the voting machines were “flipping” votes for one candidate to the other candidate on Election Day November 7, 2023. The problem was identified and remedied with paper ballots but who knows how many votes were miscounted before the fix was made?
And, by the way, what’s up with Pennsylvania? It seems to be ground zero for vote rigging and fixed elections.
Major countries in Europe such as France and Spain hold elections on Sundays (so no one can say they have to go to work), use paper ballots (so machines cannot rig the vote count), require in-person voting (no vote harvesting), and announce results the same evening. The U.S. used to do elections that way. It seems our affection for “efficiency” and technology has played into the hands of those who want to subvert democracy every way they can.
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