China Has a New Virus With a 100% Kill Rate
We now know with certainty (and had good reason to know in 2020) that the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caused the pandemic was bioengineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. The research, which involved gain-of-function experiments with bat coronaviruses, was funded by Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, both formerly with the National Institutes of Health.
This research used U.S. taxpayer money laundered through the Eco-Health Alliance operated at the time by Peter Daszak. Whether the coronavirus leaked accidentally or was intentionally leaked is unclear, but it did escape the lab and killed millions while destroying the global economy in 2020 and setting back the education of a generation of children due to pointless school closings urged by Fauci and self-interested teachers’ unions.
The resulting vaccines (actually experimental gene-modification treatments) didn’t work and are now being reported to produce lethal and debilitating side effects. That’s what the record shows. Far from banning this kind of research, the Chinese have continued it in even more dangerous forms.
As reported here, the Chinese have now created a new virus called GX_P2V. This virus is a cousin of GX/2017 coronavirus, which was originally found in Malaysia. The new virus was bioengineered and has been injected into the brains of mice that have also been engineered to have human characteristics, so-called “humanized mice.” The results are frightening.
The kill rate for the mice is 100%. All of the mice died within eight days, which researchers have called “surprisingly” rapid. As if in a horror movie, the infected mice’s eyes turned white just before they died.
No purpose is served by this kind of research unless the Communist Chinese are trying to kill the people of the United States while creating an antidote for themselves. We can thank Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci, and Peter Daszak for funding the original research that has now led us to the brink of extinction. In my view, they should all be in jail. Instead, we may all become prisoners of the new virus.
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