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Care About Free Speech? A Brilliant Column on How Harris Would End It.

The Democrats’ definition of free speech is straightforward. If you agree with the Democrats, you are free to say whatever you like. If you disagree and speak out, you are guilty of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, racism, transphobia or whatever other pejorative label the Dems can event.

Once Democrats have decided you have crossed the line into misinformation, they are free to censor you and use Big Tech to take down your posts, close your social media accounts, boycott your business, sue you on frivolous charges and do whatever it takes to deplatform you and ruin you.

This pattern of defining free speech as a one-sided arrangement began with Obama, was continued under Joe Biden and is now being amplified by the neo-Marxist tag team of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The Democrats’ definition of free speech is the exact opposite of the legal definition as established by the U.S. Supreme Court in scores of decisions over several hundred years.

Free speech as contained in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects all speech. It protects the brilliant and the dumb. It protects the right and the wrong. It protects the positive and the hateful.

The idea is not to stand in the way of any kind of speech. The idea is to let all forms of speech proceed. From there, an informed and educated public will make up their own minds about what is right and wrong. Over time, the right and the true will prevail (including at the ballot box) and what is hurtful and wrong will be shown for what it is and eventually fade.

Free speech is a battle of ideas in which certain ideas win on their own merits and not through censorship or lawfare. This article by distinguished law Professor Jonathan Turley makes this point but zeroes in on Biden, Harris and Walz as being particularly dangerous to the concept of free speech and threatening to those who exercise their rights to criticize their regime.

Turley gives examples of Walz saying, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech…” Democrat Howard Dean said, “Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment.” Democrat Ben Cardin said, “If you espouse hate … you’re not protected under the First Amendment.”

Leaving aside the twisted definition of “hate speech” as whatever Democrats don’t alike, all of those Democrat politicians were simply wrong. The Supreme Court has said repeatedly that all speech is protected including so-called hate speech. That’s the genius of our legal system.

Democrats want to trample the First Amendment. It’s up to everyday Americans to stop them.

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