Buy A New Car as Soon as You Can. Biden Will Soon Make Them Illegal.
On the one hand, Biden and his supporters desperately hope that Biden can win reelection next November and carry on through a second term. The last three years of Biden’s administration have witnessed the greatest destruction of American values and liberties since the administration of Woodrow Wilson (Remember Wilson? He gave us the income tax, the Federal Reserve, and World War I).
Wilson and Biden have been the most radical progressive presidents in U.S. history. Yet, Biden has done even more damage than Wilson because he was building on over a century of centralization of state power. Wilson may have started the power grab, but FDR and LBJ were no slouches when it came to moving power to Washington, DC.
Biden has also benefitted from the entrenched nature of the Deep State. It doesn’t matter if Biden is senile. As long as he can sign bills and executive orders, the Deep State moles work around the clock to subvert justice, curtail freedom, and further entrench themselves.
On the other hand, the realists among the progressives know that Biden is likely to lose. Trump is leading in national polls (something that doesn’t matter much, but Trump has never led in such polls, even when he won in 2016).
More importantly, Trump is leading in all seven swing states that will decide the election (AZ, NV, GA, MI, PA, NC and WI), and he’s leading in the betting odds. Things can change, but as of now, Trump is poised to win in November, perhaps in an electoral college landslide.
What’s a Deep State mole to do?
Seeing Biden is likely to lose, they are determined to destroy as much of the economy and curtail as many liberties as possible in the next 290 days. This story is a good example.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has come out with new emissions standards for internal combustion engines (ICE). They will be impossible to meet. That’s by design.
The objective is to force consumers to buy electric vehicles (EVs) beginning in 2030. The fact that EVs have no range, no resale value (because new batteries cost $25,000), don’t charge in cold weather, don’t hold a charge in cold weather, and consumers simply don’t want them doesn’t matter to the bureaucrats. They want to destroy the oil and natural gas businesses along with auto manufacturing. This is a good way to do it.
There are two solutions: buy a new ICE car now and maintain it for the next twenty years – or vote Biden out of office and get a president who will undo all of Biden’s neo-fascist schemes.
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