Biden’s Orwellian Ministry of Truth Refuses to Die. Watch What You Say.
The Biden-Harris administration’s attacks on free speech and honest research are unrelenting. Biden and Harris label anything they disagree with as “misinformation” or “disinformation.” That’s an all-purpose way of smearing their political opponents without regard to the truth.
These efforts have included collusion with Big Tech, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter (before Musk bought it) to deplatform, un-rank, or bury any posts that disagreed with the official narratives on the pandemic, climate change, Ukraine, or a long list of sensitive topics. Two years ago, when Biden tried to start a Ministry of Truth inside the Department of Homeland Security, the proposed director was so radical and anti-free speech that she was humiliated by Congress and Biden had to withdraw the nomination and shut down his official truth agency (which specialized in lies).
Now that Trump might be elected tomorrow, Biden is at it again. This time inside the national security apparatus, where the president has more discretionary power than when dealing with Cabinet agencies.
Biden and Harris want to create a new information czar for national security to counter supposed foreign threats to U.S. democracy. Of course, the real purpose will be to use the intelligence community apparatus to track domestic political opponents under the guise that those opponents echo disinformation coming from Russia.
Initiatives of this type are also set up to be Trump-proof so that, even if Trump wins, it will be difficult to locate and dismantle every such effort inside the government bureaucracy. Let’s hope that Trump wins and puts a halt to these insidious forms of censorship, propaganda, and hiding the truth. If not, the First Amendment right to free speech may not survive the next four years. (Editor’s Note; Speaking of a Trump win, please don’t miss my final election briefing before Election Day. Details are here.)
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