Biden Goon Squads Are Working Overtime
We’re well aware of the weaponization of the Department of Justice and the use of FBI goon squads to carry out the orders of neo-fascist Attorney General Merrick Garland. These actions include the illegal raid on Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, when agents stormed the premises in body armor and rifled through Melania Trump’s lingerie in a search for classified documents.
The president has the ability to declassify anything he wants without formalities. That case was later dismissed because of the unconstitutional appointment of the prosecutor, but the damage was done.
Trump supporter Roger Stone also had a dawn raid on his home by heavily armed agents, and he was arrested in his pajamas. Distinguished economist Peter Navarro was placed in leg irons and handcuffs in broad daylight at National Airport in DC and frog marched to the federal marshall’s van. Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon was imprisoned for four months for asserting executive privilege against a congressional subpoena. Obama Attorney General Eric Holder did the same thing and got off scot-free.
The list goes on. The latest outrage is the treatment of IRS agents who blew the whistle on wrongdoing in connection with Hunter Biden.
These agents revealed that the prosecutor in the Hunter Biden case purposely delayed matters so the statute of limitations would run out on the most serious crimes. Then, they sought a plea deal that would have given Hunter blanket immunity on tax evasion and human trafficking in exchange for a plea to a minor reporting misdemeanor regarding his lies on a gun application.
One of the IRS whistleblowers is now feeling the revenge of the Biden thugs. He is being offered a choice among a demotion and transfer from his home office in Chicago to Washington (where the IRS can keep a close eye on him), a pay cut and demotions to investigator, or resigning (dressed up as early retirement). These are all forms of punishment for a highly talented mid-career senior official.
That’s how Biden-Harris treats anyone who opposes their program of illegality. That’s how they treat anyone who stands up for the truth.
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