Biden Changed U.S. Nuclear Strategy That Makes Nuclear War More Likely
In evaluating Joe Biden, one is reminded of two assessments offered by a former president and a former Director of Central Intelligence.
CIA’s Robert Gates said, “I think [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” And Barack Obama said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
Both of those appraisals were offered years before Biden became president so we can’t say we weren’t warned by some of those who knew Biden best.
As far back as 2020, Biden was clearly cognitively impaired. His outburst to a town hall participant that she was a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” should have been enough to disqualify Biden on grounds of mental fitness. But that was just the beginning.
Cognitive decline, whether caused by Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other diseases, is progressive and non-curable. It just keeps getting worse. By 2024, Biden’s mental illness had progressed so far that he could not complete sentences, lost his train of thought in mid-sentence, babbled incoherently during speeches (even with a teleprompter), screamed his way through many speeches and fell asleep during speeches by others.
So, this New York Times headline from August 20 was met with complete amazement: “Biden Approved Secret Nuclear Strategy Refocusing on Chinese Threat.” What!?
Biden is mentally gone. Nothing a president does is more important than getting nuclear strategy right because a bad plan or bad execution can result in the annihilation of life on earth. It’s inconceivable that Biden made any changes in our nuclear war-fighting plans on his own. It’s almost certainly the case that these changes in our nuclear war plans were designed by the warmongers in the State Department and Defense Department and the CIA. That said, there is one trace of Biden in these new plans – they make things more dangerous for the world and make the possibility of nuclear war more likely.
No one disputes that Russia, China and North Korea are all nuclear threats to the U.S. Objectivity requires a recognition that the U.S. is a nuclear threat to all three of those countries.
The key to avoiding nuclear war is diplomacy and de-escalation when tensions rise. This was proved by the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and several other near misses in the early 1980s. All of Biden’s actions have moved in the opposite direction.
Biden has escalated in Ukraine and is taking no steps to avoid escalation in the Middle East. By tying Russia, China and North Korea together as a unified threat instead of three distinct threats, you lose the ability to exercise diplomacy with one while the other may be a growing problem. You lose optionality and flexibility. You make the world a more dangerous place.
That kind of stupid blundering is a Joe Biden trademark. Obama and Gates were right. Let’s hope the world can survive a few more months until Biden and his dangerous whims are behind us.
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