Biden Backs So Many Regulators That They’re Now Fighting Each Other
There’s an old saying that revolutions eat their own.
Revolutions begin with a radical fringe attacking an established order. Often the establishment wins, and the revolution fades. Sometimes the revolutionaries win as happened in France in 1789 and Russia in 1917. That’s when things get interesting.
Revolutionaries are ideologues, not pragmatists. Ideology is about the purity of the idea being followed, not about what works or doesn’t in the political realm. Inevitably some revolutionaries start to view other revolutionaries with suspicion because they are not “pure” enough in their devotion to whatever ideology is being followed.
Next come the purges, where certain revolutionaries start to kill others. Stalin killed Trotsky. Robespierre killed Danton, and then Robespierre himself was sent to the guillotine.
Something similar (but far less violent) is happening in the Biden administration. One wing of the White House is spending hundreds of billions of dollars under the Inflation Reduction Act (actually the green new scam in disguise. Anyone notice that inflation has been going up lately?). They are pushing windmills, solar modules, electric vehicles (EVs), and other so-called green energy projects, such as battery factories and new power lines to connect inefficient windmill farms to the main power grid.
At the same time, the traditional environmental activists and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are slowing down the green new scam projects with lawsuits and regulations objecting to the environmental impact of the scam infrastructure projects. It’s basically the progressives (EPA and activists) versus the super-progressives (the green new scammers) fighting over hundreds of billions of dollars of our tax money.
I’m not saying we should bring back the guillotine, but it is refreshing to watch radicals fighting radicals practically on the White House lawn. Let’s hope they both fail, and we can put the green new scam money to better use.
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