
Being An Ideologue Is Easier with Other People’s Money

It’s no secret that the vast majority of the so-called elites are advocates of climate alarmism and are taken in by the green new scam. Whether this preference is based on ignorance of the science, a willful desire to hurt American growth, or simple greed because of their investments in green scam infrastructure varies case by case.

The typical upper-income supporter of the climate cult including academics, media figures, and celebrities is probably ignorant of the fact that there is no evidence that CO2 emissions cause climate change and that the real causes are solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents and atmospheric moisture not caused by humans and that cannot be changed by humans.

There is no doubt a fair number of neo-Marxists embrace the climate scam because they know it damages U.S. industry, raises costs to U.S. consumers, and helps to undermine the U.S. economy. The neo-Marxists are impervious to evidence; they just want to hurt America and wasting money on windmills instead of building new refineries is a good way to do it.

That leaves the greed crowd. They are early investors in windmills, solar modules, lithium car batteries, EVs, charging stations, carbon credits and other infrastructure of the climate scam. They stand to make billions of dollars off the narrative with help from extravagant government subsidies. They don’t really care if it all collapses in the end (which it will) as long as they got rich at taxpayer expense in the meantime.

All of this behavior is clear as far as it goes. What is not clear is the extent to which the green new scammers are doing this with your money.

The best example is multi-billionaire Larry Fink, who runs the giant BlackRock investment fund. Fink has been aggressive in promoting the climate scam along with racial quotas, DEI, and defunding police. He’s entitled to his opinions. But is he entitled to pursue his radical agenda with pension fund money from conservative states and institutions?

Fortunately, a backlash has begun against Fink and his fellow wokesters. More state pension fund managers are beginning to pull their funds from BlackRock and other investment managers that pursue far left policies not in the best interests of their beneficiaries.

This backlash may not change Larry Fink’s lifestyle. But over time, it might change the world for the better.

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