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Before We Say Goodbye to Joe Biden, Let’s Remember His Crimes

No one seems to care about Joe Biden anymore. That’s odd, because he is the president of the United States and there are two major wars going on (Ukraine and Gaza) with potential to escalate into nuclear war and the annihilation of the human race.

It just goes to show how trivial politics has become in the U.S. (thanks to lightweights posing as reporters). It’s all about Trump vs. Kamala now. Who cares about Biden, who’s busy sleeping on the beach in Rehoboth, Delaware instead of doing his job? (not that he could actually do his job given his severe cognitive impairment).

But before we say goodbye to Joe, it’s helpful to recall what a corrupt, venal, mean-spirited, not very bright politician he always was.

Insiders knew that the “Six-pack Joe” and “Amtrak Joe” personas created for his benefit were false and that he was more of a nasty punk than an avuncular leader. New York Post reporter Miranda Devine does a good job of putting the real Biden on the record in this column.

She reminds us that Hunter Biden was a bagman for a family criminal enterprise involving Joe, his brothers Frankie and Jimmy, his sister Valerie, and wife Taco Jill. They were busy selling out U.S. national security for tens of millions of dollars from Ukraine, Romania, China, Russia (yes, Russia.

The wife of the mayor of Moscow chipped in millions), and other actors adverse to U.S. interests. This form of treason for money was in addition to weaponizing the FBI to hunt down political enemies for made-up crimes, weaponizing the CIA to promote Iranian nuclear ambitions (a legacy of Obama’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood) and creating a censorship reign of terror using stooges at Facebook, Google, YouTube and other social media to do the dirty work.

Biden was always a liar and plagiarist going back to his failed 1988 presidential campaign and even earlier. All that’s left for Biden to do is pardon himself and his crime family members before he rides off into the sunset. If we make it that far. Good riddance.

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