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Backstory Of Secret Service Conduct in Assassination Attempt Gets Worse

You’ve heard and read an enormous amount about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump by now, so there’s no need to repeat all of the obvious information. Still, new details are emerging daily and a lot of this information is quite dark and not at all obvious.

The difficulty is that the government has lied to us so much over the past five years (remember the Russia Hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up, the COVID vaccine lies, not to mention the Green New Scam?) that it’s hard to know what to believe anymore. I base all of my analysis on verifiable facts, but what can you do when the facts are being covered up and bogus “facts” are being handed out like candy?

There are ways of cutting through the lies (including Bayes Theorem, complexity theory, inferential methods, inside sources and plain common sense), but they take time to apply and at least some baseline facts are needed. The conspiracy theorists are out in full force, including those who say there was a second shooter on top of the blue water tower to Trump’s left.

Here’s a list of verifiable facts that will make your hair stand on end:

The local police were not wearing body cams. Body cams are standard operating procedure. Why were they not worn?

The police and U.S. Secret Service (USSS) were using different radio channels so they couldn’t communicate in real time.

The shooter was seen in the vicinity of the rally in the hours before the shooting with a ranger finder. That’s a laser device that measures distance, often used by hunters and golfers. That should have been enough to get him arrested on the spot.

The shooter also flew a drone over the area to get video feeds he could use to determine the best line of sight to Trump.

The USSS denied Trump enhanced agent coverage despite repeated requests. Many of the “Secret Service agents” at the event were not even agents. They were members of the Department of Homeland Security who had been seconded to the USSS for the day – in effect they were “temps” and definitely the B-Team.

Where were the metal detectors? Why were the police snipers inside the building next to the one the shooter used instead of on the roof where the shooter was?

Dozens of civilians called the police and USSS to report suspicious activity by the shooter, including some who saw him on the roof with the rifle. Why was nothing done?

Almost an hour passed between the identification of the shooter as a “person of interest” and the beginning of Trump’s speech. Why was Trump even allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person on the loose?

We’ll be hearing a lot more about this in the weeks to come. The FBI will try to cover this up, but it’s not 1963 anymore. There are hundreds of videos shot by attendees on their iPhones that need to be gathered.

That will tell us a lot – as long as the videos are not handed over to the FBI.

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