Posts by James G. Rickards
One More Step On The Road To Nuclear Annihilation. Biden Won’t Quit.
Biden may have stepped aside as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, but he has not stepped aside as president. Instead, he will remain a demented lame duck until January 20, 2025. (Biden recently boarded an empty plane that had delivered U.S. hostages from Moscow, thinking that the empty plane must be Air…
Read MoreTrump’s A Threat To Democracy? Kamala Got Nominated With Zero Votes.
You’ve all heard the constant Democrat claims that Donald Trump is “an existential threat to democracy.” According to Democrats like the demented Joe Biden and the dunce Kamala Harris, if Trump is elected, he will rule like a dictator from day one, and his authoritarian policies will ensure that no democratic elections will even happen…
Read MoreThe Mau-Mauing Of Donald Trump Just Won’t Stop
We all know the litany of legal and illegal attacks on Donald Trump that have never stopped since he came down the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015 to announce he was running for president. The FBI lied to get a wiretapping order on Carter Page as a backdoor way of spying on Donald Trump.…
Read MoreBlood in the Streets!
“Most people think today will be like yesterday,” Daily Reckoning co-founder Bill Bonner says… “But every now and then, today is NOT like yesterday. Something changes, something goes off the rails, there’s a paradigm shift.” We may be facing such an inflection point right now. Today, I’ll show you why, and what’s at stake. The stock market…
Read MoreRickards: No Fed “Pivot” Tomorrow
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve is meeting today and tomorrow for the purpose of discussing the economy and setting monetary policy going forward. What does it mean for markets and your money? Today we’ll explore those questions. Let’s first start off with what we know. We know that tomorrow, the…
Read MoreDemocrats Make It Clear They Are on the Side of the Terrorists
Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, gave an address to a Joint Session of Congress on July 24. His purpose was to explain why Israel went to war with Hamas, how Israel is conducting that war, and Israel’s plans for an eventual end to the conflict. One would think those facts and forecasts would…
Read MorePresident Kamala Harris? Get Ready for More of the Same but Worse
The canonization of Kamala Harris by mainstream media and the collateral gaslighting of the American people has begun in earnest. She was a failed Border Czar, but now the media pretend that never happened and that she was just some kind of goodwill ambassador to Guatemala. Whatever. We don’t need the media to tell us who…
Read MoreThe Purpose of a System Is What It Does
Government bears no relationship to the efficiency we associate with well-run companies or well-designed computer networks. Government has its functions and aims, but almost no one thinks of the word “efficient” in trying to describe it. Government is political, messy, uncertain, and expensive – all characteristics we think of as the opposite of efficient. But…
Read MoreThe Worst Tech Failure in History Won’t Be the Last
We’ve all faced computer failures or annoying bugs in the systems we use. Often the best solution is just to shut down the system and reboot it. That’s usually enough to make the problem go away. In other cases, a visit to the local computer repair shop or an online maintenance assistant (in the form…
Read MoreIt’s Important to Keep the Questions Alive
Americans have just passed through the most eventful and tumultuous four weeks in memory. The only comparisons are 9/11, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Watergate/Vietnam days of the 1970s, the riots and assassinations in the 1960s, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. First, we had Joe Biden’s face plant debate performance on…
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