Kamala’s VP Walz Is a Lot Like Biden. A Neo-Fascist and A Liar.

What are we getting with Kamala Harris’s choice of Tim Walz as her vice-presidential nominee? If you believe the corporate media, you’re getting a down-home, upper Midwestern, All-American candidate who wears trucker hats, flannel shirts and camo trousers with a big friendly grin on his face. The media have already dubbed him “America’s Dad.” He’s…

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Nuclear War Just Got Closer

For over two years, I’ve been warning about the dangers of escalation between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine. Well, the U.S. and Russia have now climbed another rung on the escalation ladder that could possibly lead to nuclear war. You probably know by now that Ukraine has invaded Russia in force. Up to six…

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Free Speech Is on the Ballot

Last night, the Democratic National Convention opened in Chicago, which will run through Thursday. Joe Biden was one of the speakers last night. Generally speaking, the more significant the speaker, the later in the week they speak. But they trotted Biden, the sitting president, out there on the first night like an opening band at…

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