This Stock’s Grounded!

What happened to Boeing, the former gold standard of American industry? Nothing good, as I’ll show you today. Simply put, Boeing isn’t the company it used to be. By now, I’m sure you’ve heard about the Jan. 6 near crash of a Boeing 737 Max 9 operated by Alaska Airlines, after the fuselage door blew…

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Another Step in The Direction of The Total Surveillance State

Since the rise of the Biden administration, we’ve seen continual efforts to intrude on American lives in violation of laws, rules, and regulations, including the Fourth Amendment. We’ve seen the misuse of FISA secret warrants. We’ve seen FBI goon squads break into people’s homes with automatic weapons and armored personnel carriers when a simple request…

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Federal Spies Are Coming to Your Hotel and Your Coffee Shop

Most Americans are not familiar with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), but it has probably been the source of more abuses aimed at everyday Americans than any other statute. As with many pieces of legislation, the original intentions were good, but the implementation went off the rails and has been subject to extensive abuse.…

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Can Biden’s Public Policies Get Any More Ridiculous?

We’ve tracked so many ridiculous Biden administration policies over the past three years that one would think the list couldn’t get any longer or more absurd. But that’s an incorrect conclusion. As the 1950s DJs used to say, “The hits just keep on coming!” Biden has proposed banning natural gas stoves, mandating electronic vehicles (EVs),…

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