Another One Bites the Dust

Everyone (including Democrats) knows that Biden is decrepit, physically disabled, suffering from dementia, and prone to continual lies. The issue is not that he’s “too old”; that’s obvious. The issue is that he’s incapable of thinking straight, speaking clearly, or even finding his way off a stage. He trips up and down the stairs and…

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Trump’s SCOTUS Win Is Even Bigger Than the Pundits Realize

On March 4, the Supreme Court decided the case of Donald J. Trump v. Norma Anderson, involving the effort of Colorado to kick Donald Trump off the state primary election ballot. Colorado was not the only state that acted to disqualify Trump. Illinois and Maine had taken similar steps, and there were efforts to remove Trump from the…

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Don’t Think Media Bias Is Real?

Yesterday was “Super Tuesday,” when 15 states and one U.S. territory held presidential primaries. As expected, Joe Biden won on the Democratic side. Also unexpectedly, Trump won the Republican primaries “bigly.” Nikki Haley has finally seen the writing on the wall and dropped out of the race. The only two primaries she won, and it tells you…

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Trump Wins!

The big news today is that the Supreme Court unanimously agreed, in a 9-0 vote, that Colorado could not keep Trump off the state’s primary ballot. It also prevents other states like Maine and Illinois, which have also moved to keep Trump off the ballot, from doing so. Today’s unanimous ruling is not a surprise…

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When Complex Systems Collide

At some point, systems flip from being complicated, which is a challenge to manage, to being complex. Complexity is more than a challenge because it opens the door to all kinds of unexpected crashes and events. Their behavior cannot be reduced to their component parts. It’s as if they take on a life of their…

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Big Week Ahead. Here’s An Overview.

Bolshevik leader V. I. Lenin said, “There are decades when nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” That’s a good quote to bear in mind this week. It will be one of the more news-packed weeks in recent memory, with headline-making events every day. Put on your crash helmets. Here’s the rundown: On…

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Oil Prices Are Going Up for All the Wrong Reasons

Oil prices have been rallying lately, going from $68.00 per barrel on December 12, 2023, to $80.00 per barrel today; a 17.6% gain in less than three months. Superficially, this could look like a sign of economic strength to some observers and oil inventory shortages to others or both. In fact, neither explanation is correct.…

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More Hysteria from State-Sponsored Climate Alarm Nuts

Climate hysteria is the gift that keeps on giving. Science is never settled (and shouldn’t be), but the best available science today shows conclusively that the climate alarm narrative is a hoax, and the behavior of climate alarmists is cult-like. In previous writings, we’ve covered the fact that climate change is not caused by CO2 emissions.…

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