Wonder Weapons of the West Continue to Fail in Ukraine. That Won’t Change.

Remember back in 2022 when the collective West (NATO and the U.S.) promised plenty of weapons to Ukraine to win the war against the Russians? Ukraine was promised HIMARS precision-guided artillery, Storm Shadow cruise missiles, Patriot anti-missile batteries, Leopard tanks from Germany, Challenger tanks from the UK, Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles from the…

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NY Judge Puts a Gag Order on Trump to Cover Up His Own Wrongdoing

We’ve been following the numerous lawsuits and criminal charges against Donald Trump closely. On the one hand, the Democrats’ lawfare campaign has not dented Trump’s popularity. Every time a new criminal or civil case was filed against Trump, his popularity and lead in the polls went up. Apart from the unfairness and unethical conduct involved…

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Biden Backs So Many Regulators That They’re Now Fighting Each Other

There’s an old saying that revolutions eat their own. Revolutions begin with a radical fringe attacking an established order. Often the establishment wins, and the revolution fades. Sometimes the revolutionaries win as happened in France in 1789 and Russia in 1917. That’s when things get interesting. Revolutionaries are ideologues, not pragmatists. Ideology is about the…

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RFK Jr. Joins Trump in Opposing CBDCs

Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential campaign is becoming less quixotic and more concrete by the day. His choice of a vice presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is a major boost. She’s one of the richest and most powerful women in the world (the ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin) and is a highly accomplished attorney in…

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Can Trump Be Stopped?

I know that April just started, but the November election will be here before you know it. And the upcoming months are going to be fascinating — and not necessarily in the positive sense. We all know that wild cards from a possible criminal conviction of Donald Trump to a strong third-party showing by Robert…

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Even the Big Banks Think Stealing Russian Assets Is a Bad Idea

We’ve been warning Western policymakers and everyday citizens about the dangers of seizing Russian assets held in the form of U.S. Treasury securities. Russia owns approximately $300 billion in U.S. Treasury debt of various maturities. All Treasury debt is held in digital book entry form (the last paper Treasury note was issued in 1979). The…

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Does Anyone Want Sales Associates Acting as Propaganda Machines?

The climate alarmists just won’t quit. Their fake science has been completely exposed. Most Americans now understand that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a trace gas that has no material impact on global warming. Quite the opposite. The best science shows that natural climate change (caused by solar cycles, volcanoes, ocean currents, and other macro forces…

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