Fauci Lies Under Oath About COVID Lab Leak, Vaccine, Masks and More

Anthony Fauci, the head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health during the pandemic, testified under oath before Congress on June 3. During that testimony, Fauci continued the long list of lies, obfuscations and blame-shifting that he perfected during the pandemic years. Fauci told Americans to mask-up, yet there has never been any scientific evidence…

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The Green New Scam Is Even Worse Than We Thought

In the 1970s, a crowd of so-called scientists warned that the world was entering a new ice age. It never happened. In the 1980s, the same pseudo-scientists warned about a “nuclear winter,” a “hole in the ozone,” and “acid rain.” Those events either never happened or were easily remedied. Beginning in the late 1980s, the…

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