Posts by James G. Rickards
How Does $12 Trillion For No Gain Sound? That’s The Climate Change Record.
This new report contains a glimmer of hope that the climate alarm may soon be behind us and the climate cult members may finally be discredited. It describes the five phases of the “issue attention cycle” as first described in an article from the Brookings Institution in 1972. Phase 1 is when experts start to discuss an…
Read MoreGet Ready for Another War in the Middle East. It’s Israel V. Hezbollah
Intelligence from a variety of sources points to a wider war in the Middle East. The current war is in the south of Israel in Gaza. That fight is with the Hamas terrorists. The new war will involve Hezbollah and will be fought in the north of Israel. Additional fighting will take place in southern Lebanon, the…
Read MoreHigh-Tech Eyes in the Sky Are Following You – Even in Your Car
Are you being followed? In one sense, we’re all being followed. Every mobile phone has a GPS uplink for services including Google Maps, Waze, and other location finder apps as well as simple apps that find restaurants or gas stations in your vicinity. Then there’s the more intense and dangerous type of following where an individual…
Read MoreBiden Bureaucrats Want to End Lightbulbs. Let’s End Biden Instead.
The list of everyday conveniences and appliances that Americans enjoy and have made life easier that Biden wants to ban or destroy keeps getting longer. Biden’s bureaucrats have mandated washing machines that don’t get the clothes clean, and dryers that don’t dry unless you run it for two or three cycles. They want to ban…
Read MoreHere Come Da Judge! Supreme Court Is Ready to End the Deep State.
The U.S. Supreme Court does not operate like any other court in the U.S. judicial system. It is an appellate court only; it does not conduct trials. It rarely considers facts in its decisions; it’s mostly about points of law, although the court might take a different view of the legal import of facts than…
Read MoreAnother One Bites the Dust. Georgia Case Against Trump Delayed Again.
So much attention has been paid to Donald Trump’s trial and conviction in New York that the Georgia case has fallen off the radar screen. Here’s a quick refresher: The Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted Trump and 19 associates in a RICO case, alleging a broad conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 election.…
Read MoreFauci Lies Under Oath About COVID Lab Leak, Vaccine, Masks and More
Anthony Fauci, the head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health during the pandemic, testified under oath before Congress on June 3. During that testimony, Fauci continued the long list of lies, obfuscations and blame-shifting that he perfected during the pandemic years. Fauci told Americans to mask-up, yet there has never been any scientific evidence…
Read MoreThe Trump Verdict Is a Travesty of Justice. NY Trashed the Constitution.
By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about the Trump trial in New York and the guilty verdict on 34 felony counts. If my own media survey is any guide, you’ve probably heard too much. You know the judge was not randomly selected as required by New York law, but was hand-picked for his extreme…
Read MoreThe Green New Scam Is Even Worse Than We Thought
In the 1970s, a crowd of so-called scientists warned that the world was entering a new ice age. It never happened. In the 1980s, the same pseudo-scientists warned about a “nuclear winter,” a “hole in the ozone,” and “acid rain.” Those events either never happened or were easily remedied. Beginning in the late 1980s, the…
Read MoreU.S. Is Set to Steal Russian Assets. Get Ready for The Russian Blowback.
U.S. and NATO financial sanctions on Russia due to the war in Ukraine have failed miserably. Russian growth now exceeds U.S. growth. Russia is growing at 5.4% (annualized) while U.S. growth in the most recent quarter was only 1.3%. The Russian debt-to-GDP ratio is a comfortable 17.2% while the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is a dangerous…
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